Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Protest w sprawie filmu National Geographic o katastrofie smoleńskiej

National Geographic wyemitował w Polsce w niedzielę 27 stycznia 2013 roku zakłamany film o katastrofie smoleńskiej. Film, powielający "wyniki" komisji Anodiny i Millera, został wyemitowany tylko na terenie Polski, co należy uznać za test naszej reakcji na jego zawartość przed jego wyemitowaniem na cały świat. W załączeniu propozycja tekstu protestu do podpisania i wysłania na poniższe adresy.


I Protest against the lies of the National Geographic film “Death of the President”.

Tekst do wklejenia:

Dear Sir or Madam:

Following protests against the lies of the docudrama “Death of the President” Mr. Salzman of Cineflix had to say the following:

"Air Crash Investigation relies on official accident reports and interviews with investigators as its primary source of information. We do not conduct independent research, nor draw our own conclusions about the cause of aviation accidents."

We really appreciate Mr. Salzman's reply. 

However, many questions still remain unanswered, as the official Russian MAK-investigation did not conduct proper autopsies of the victims, did not test the wreck for explosives, did not properly secure the wreck and did not even attempt a 3-D reconstruction of the President’s airplane. It also did not take into consideration the data from the presidential plane’s last TAWS report (the so-called TAWS-38), as it did not fit their hypothesis (pilot error and “controlled flight into terrain”).

All of the above point to, to say the least, incredible sloppiness on the part of the Russian investigators. An “investigation” which does not even follow basic international procedures cannot and should not become the basis for any final, legally binding conclusions. I therefore urge you to exercise caution and your common sense.

After all, are we to suppose that, if you were making a docudrama about Litvinenko’s 2006 polonium poisoning, you would also rely solely on official reports of Russia’s KGB successor, the FSB? Or perhaps only on official Russian Government reports? Would you not take into consideration the investigative work done by Britain’s Scotland Yard?

As a rational person, I believe you would. And I believe you should likewise mention the results of the independent Polish Parliament Committee investigation of the Smolensk Tragedy.

For if you only include the official Russian side of the story, you may inadvertently become what comrade Lenin once called, please excuse my language, “useful idiots”.

I urge you to further educate yourself about this matter and to offer your viewing public a more balanced and informed picture.

Yours truly,
